French lessons for Travellers

Learn essential French to get by in France during your next trip!

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Are you going to France for your next holiday or business trip? Would you like to order “croque monsieur” and “café crème” properly, or say “bonjour” to a beautiful stranger on the street?

After this course you will be comfortable ordering in restaurants, asking for directions, booking a hotel… and understanding the answer!


Online French for Traveller classes will be available depending on demand.

  • 10-week course
  • 2 hours per week
  • Online private lessons and online group classes available
  • We provide you with our own method and material. The focus is on speaking and interactive listening.

Do you have special requirements? Please let us know, and we will design the perfect course for you based on your needs.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and helping you with your French!

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